This blog has 130 ATCs posted. They are available for trade beginning on Saturday, February 2, 2008. The trade is simple. You must have a blog/website/Flickr! or other image account/profile with email...some way in which a public comment can be left. Trade one of your FIBER ATCs for any available one of mine. (Please, limit one!) All traded ATCs will be displayed at CYBER FYBER, January 8 - 20, 2009 at Gallery 80808/Vista Studios in Columbia, SC.
To make a trade: Leave a comment on the ATC you want...stating that you want it. Email me at and tell me which one (use the number!) you want and your "snail mail" address. I will confirm the trade via a reply email. You send your ATC to Susan Lenz, 2123 Park Street, Columbia, SC 29201 USA. I send mine to you. I update the blog post for this ATC to state "Trade Being Arranged!" Please complete the trade within a month! When I receive your ATC, I'll email you. The on-line exhibition of all trades will be created by the end of the year!
Your ATC needs to be the standard 2 1/2" x 3 1/2", flat enough to be mailed in an envelope, created mostly of fibers, and have your name on the reverse.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
ATC 130...Trade Being Arranged!
ATC 129...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from a piece of heavily stitched silk paper with a fragment of fibers and stitch on paper surrounded by lavender puff paint.
The ATC is signed and dated in free motion embroidery on the reverse. This side was made from a piece of vintage silk that "cleaned up" some purple and teal dye.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Jacq who blogs here.
ATC 128...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was created after slicing up an older work called Feminine Beauty. It had been a collage of late 19th century engravings (mostly fans and jewelry) on citron colored linen with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web), bits of lace and millinery net, and metallic foiling. It was heavily hand stitched, beaded, and included couched on pieces of costume jewelry and buttons.
It is signed and dated in free motion embroidery on peach colored silk.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Jocelyn from New Zealand who blogs here.
ATC 127...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from a piece of heavily stitched silk paper with a fragment of fibers and stitch on paper surrounded by lavender puff paint.
The ATC is signed and dated in free motion embroidery on the reverse. This side was made from a piece of vintage silk that "cleaned up" some purple and teal dye.
I'm thrilled to be trading with SuZ who has several blogs (like me!) but the one I read most regularly is here. Her profile has links to the other sites.
ATC 126...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was created after slicing up an older work called Feminine Beauty. It had been a collage of late 19th century engravings (mostly fans and jewelry) on citron colored linen with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web), bits of lace and millinery net, and metallic foiling. It was heavily hand stitched, beaded, and included couched on pieces of costume jewelry and buttons.
The back is a piece of purple wool, signed and dated in free motion machine embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Julie. Visit her blog here!
ATC 125...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made using a base of peach silk onto which was stitched a piece of orange chiffon and a scrap from an older, heat-transfer painted embroidery.
The reverse is purple wool, signed and dated in free motion machine embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Morning Dove who blogs here.
ATC 124...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made after slicing up an old cross stitch done in the mid-1980s. It had once been a pillow. The design was based on the 6th century mosaics in Ravenna's (Italy) San Vitale church apse. The fragment was stitched to a piece of commercially printed polyester.
The reverse is a piece of purple wool, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Lindi who blogs here.
ATC 123...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was created after slicing up an older work called Feminine Beauty. It had been a collage of late 19th century engravings (mostly fans and jewelry) on citron colored linen with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web), bits of lace and millinery net, and metallic foiling. It was heavily hand stitched, beaded, and included couched on pieces of costume jewelry and buttons.
The reverse is a piece of ornate brocade, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I am thrilled to be trading this with Freida who has blogged about our trade and CYBER FYBER here!
ATC 122...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made after cutting up an older piece of work. That work was made as the centerpiece for my first solo exhibition. It was based on architectural elements found in Gothic and Romanesque churches. The piece was created using chiffons on a heat transfer painted base. It was free motion embroidered. The original is pictured here.
It is signed and dated in free motion embroidery on the reverse. The material used on the back is a piece of vintage tone-on-tone blue batik.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Sarita whose brand new blog is here.
ATC 121...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from a piece of heavily stitched silk paper with a fragment of other material.
The ATC is signed and dated in free motion embroidery on the reverse. This side was made from a piece of vintage silk that "cleaned up" some purple and teal dye.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Simone who blogs here.
ATC 120...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from a piece of tan moire with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web) and foiling to which was applied a fragment of hand dyed cotton. It was stitched using a variegated thread while distorting a machine pattern.
It is signed and dated in free motion embroidery on peach colored silk.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Nicole who has a great sense of adventure. For some reason the photo of this ATC was missing...Nicole likes surprises! Here it is now. Nicole has a great website here.
ATC 119....Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was created after slicing up an older work called Feminine Beauty. It had been a collage of late 19th century engravings (mostly fans and jewelry) on citron colored linen with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web), bits of lace and millinery net, and metallic foiling. It was heavily hand stitched, beaded, and included couched on pieces of costume jewelry and buttons.
It is sided and dated in free motion embroidery on peach colored silk.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Ulla who blogs here.
ATC 118...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made on a base of black moire with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web) onto which was stitched a scrap of teal upholstery material embellished with snippets of thread and red felt.
The reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading this ATC with Peggy whose blog is here and who posted a nice entry about CYBER FYBER here!

(ATC 117 has been SUCCESSFULLY TRADED to Dianne for the beautiful ATC shown above. Dianne blogged about it here. She described the process as, "It's Christmas tinsel and yarn between two layers of blue plastic, which I painted with red acrylic paint. I put it under the embellisher, then zapped with the heat gun. I did some FME on it and a little bit of hand embroidery." Thank you Dianne!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from an older piece that included heavy hand and free motion embroidery.
It reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
ATC 116...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was created after slicing up an older work called Feminine Beauty. It had been a collage of late 19th century engravings (mostly fans and jewelry) on citron colored linen with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web), bits of lace and millinery net, and metallic foiling. It was heavily hand stitched, beaded, and included couched on pieces of costume jewelry and buttons.
The back is a piece of purple wool, signed and dated in free motion machine embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Alison who blogs here.
ATC 115...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from a piece of heavily stitched silk paper with a fragment of fibers and stitch on paper surrounded by lavender puff paint.
The ATC is signed and dated in free motion embroidery on the reverse. This side was made from a piece of vintage silk that "cleaned up" some purple and teal dye.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Cheryl who blogs here. Cheryl blogged about our trade here and here
ATC 114...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was created after slicing up an older work called Feminine Beauty. It had been a collage of late 19th century engravings (mostly fans and jewelry) on citron colored linen with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web), bits of lace and millinery net, and metallic foiling. It was heavily hand stitched, beaded, and included couched on pieces of costume jewelry and buttons.
The back is a piece of purple wool, signed and dated in free motion machine embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Barb who has a profile here and a Flickr! account here.
ATC 113...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made on a base of black moire with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web) to which was added a scrap of paper fabric and a scrap of embroidered heat-tranfer painted polyester.
The reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Liz who blogs here.
ATC 112...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from an older appliqué work of hand dyed natural felt and black velvet with chenille threads and machine stitching.
The reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Linda who blogs here.
ATC 111...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was created after slicing up an older work called Feminine Beauty. It had been a collage of late 19th century engravings (mostly fans and jewelry) on citron colored linen with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web), bits of lace and millinery net, and metallic foiling. It was heavily hand stitched, beaded, and included couched on pieces of costume jewelry and buttons.
The back is a piece of purple wool, signed and dated in free motion machine embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Sandra who blogs here. Sandra blogged about our trade here. Sandra is also a quilt appraiser who blogs about this process here.
ATC 110...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from a piece of heavily stitched silk paper with a fragment of fibers and stitch on paper surrounded by lavender puff paint.
The ATC is signed and dated in free motion embroidery on the reverse. This side was made from a piece of vintage silk that "cleaned up" some purple and teal dye.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Fannie who blogs here. Fannie wrote about our trade and CYBER FYBER here.
ATC 109..Trade being arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from a piece of tan moire with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web) and foiling to which was applied a fragment of hand dyed cotton. It was stitched using a variegated thread while distorting a machine pattern.
It is sided and dated in free motion embroidery on peach colored silk.
I am thrilled to be trading with Sequana. Sequana doesn't have a blog but maintains a profile, leaves comments regularly on other blogs, and has a Flickr! account with images of her incredible work here.
ATC 108...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was created after slicing up an older work called Feminine Beauty. It had been a collage of late 19th century engravings (mostly fans and jewelry) on citron colored linen with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web), bits of lace and millinery net, and metallic foiling. It was heavily hand stitched, beaded, and included couched on pieces of costume jewelry and buttons.
The back is a piece of purple wool, signed and dated in free motion machine embroidery.
I am thrilled to be trading with Paula who blogs here.
ATC 107...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from an older work of black lace and variegated chenille yarn heavily stitched to black velvet.
The reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading this ATC with my friend Janette Grassi who lives in Charlotte and has a blog with another friend, Doni Jordan. It is here.
ATC 106...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from a scrap of embellished material with another scrap stitched on top.
The reverse is a piece of tea-stained canvas with smudges of smoke, signed and dated in ink.
I'm thrilled to be trading with of the only bloggers I've ever met in person...a wonderfully talented stitcher who blogs here.
ATC 105...Trade Being Arrange!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made on a base of black moire with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web) onto which was added a piece of silk paper with stitching.
The reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading this ATC with Magpie's Mumblings.

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made after cutting up an older piece of work. That work was made as the centerpiece for my first solo exhibition. It was based on architectural elements found in Gothic and Romanesque churches. The piece was created using chiffons on a heat transfer painted base. It was free motion embroidered. The original is pictured here.
The reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
Lenna blogged about our trade here.
ATC 103...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from an older piece that included heavy hand and free motion embroidery.
It reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Lotti who blogs here
ATC 102...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made using a base of ornate brocade onto which was stitched a scrap from an older, heat-transfer painted embroidery.
The reverse is purple wool, signed and dated in free motion machine embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Leslie who has just started a blog here.
ATC 101...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from snippets of upholstery material embellished with purple chiffon onto brown felt.
The reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with my friend Doni Jordan who blogs here.
ATC 100...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made by embellishing assorted yarns, rovings, chiffon scarves and angelina fibers into a grape cluster motif strip of lace on yellow fleece.
The reverse is a piece of ornate brocade, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading this ATC with Quilt Pixie!
ATC 99...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made after cutting up an older piece of work. That work was made as the centerpiece for my first solo exhibition. It was based on architectural elements found in Gothic and Romanesque churches. The piece was created using chiffons on a heat transfer painted base. It was free motion embroidered. The original is pictured here.
The reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I am thrilled to be trading this card with Pam who blogs here. Pam lives in home state! GO BUCKS!
ATC 98...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from a bag of scrap yarns embellished into a solid piece of fabric. The small trapezoid is a piece of embellished commercially printed fabric. To this was added a vintage button.
The reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Maggie who blogs here.
ATC 97...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from an older work of black lace and variegated chenille yarn heavily stitched to black velvet.
The reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Chloe who has a Flickr! page here.
ATC 96...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from an older piece of work created soon after my first class in machine embroidery. Valerie Campbell-Harding was the teacher! Painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web) was applied to black linen. To this was added a scrap of hand and machine embroidery on polyester.
The reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with a brand new blogger, Joanie! Welcome to the supportive, global community of Internet connected fiber artists! Joanie's blog is here.
ATC 95...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made by attempting to embellish crocheted lace scraps into a piece of vintage, 100% pure llama wool. When this didn't work, it was covered with previously painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-web) and a chiffon scarf and stitched in various patterns with assorted threads.
It reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Jane who shares her work on a Flickr! account here.
ATC 94...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was created after slicing up an older work called Feminine Beauty. It had been a collage of late 19th century engravings (mostly fans and jewelry) on citron colored linen with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web), bits of lace and millinery net, and metallic foiling. It was heavily hand stitched, beaded, and included couched on pieces of costume jewelry and buttons.
The back is a piece of purple wool, signed and dated in free motion machine embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Robin who blogs here.
ATC 93...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC card was made by attaching a free motion stitched and melted piece of light blue felt embellished with green rovings and purple chiffon to a piece of purple wool.
The reverse is simply white kraft paper, signed and dated in ink.
I'm thrilled to be trading this Yarnpunk (love that name!) who blogs here.
ATC 92...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from an older piece of work created soon after my first class in machine embroidery. Valerie Campbell-Harding was the teacher! Painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web) was applied to black linen. This was machine stitched in a linear rows. To this was applied squares of polyester velvet which were then soldered.
It reverse is a piece of purple wool, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Neki who blogs here.
ATC 91...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from a piece of heavily stitched silk paper with a fragment of fibers and stitch on paper surrounded by lavender puff paint.
The ATC is signed and dated in free motion embroidery on the reverse. This side was made from a piece of vintage silk that "cleaned up" some purple and teal dye.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Ati in Norway! She blogs here.
ATC 90...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made using a base of ornate brocade onto which was stitched a scrap from an older, heat-transfer painted embroidery.
The reverse is peach silk, signed and dated in free motion machine embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Joan who has a Flickr! account here.
ATC 89...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made on a commercially printed piece of cotton onto which was stitched a scrap of paper fabric and a scrap of hand embroidery.
The reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Nadia who blogs here.
ATC 88...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from a piece of heavily stitched silk paper with a fragment of fibers and stitch on paper surrounded by lavender puff paint.
The ATC is signed and dated in free motion embroidery on the reverse. This side was made from a piece of vintage silk that "cleaned up" some purple and teal dye.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Annica whose blog I regularly read here.
ATC 87...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made by embellishing assorted wool through a decorative piece of red chiffon.
The reverse is a piece of purple wool, signed and dated in ink.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Aussie Jo who blogs here!
ATC 86...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made on a base of black moire with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web) onto which was stitched a scrap of stitched silk paper and a scrap of heat-transfer painted and embroidered polyester.
The ATC is signed and dated in free motion embroidery on the reverse. This side was made from a piece of vintage silk that "cleaned up" some purple and teal dye.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Tracy who blogs here.
ATC 85...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made from an older piece that included heavy hand and free motion embroidery.
It reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Carol who blogs here.
ATC 84...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was created after slicing up an older work called Feminine Beauty. It had been a collage of late 19th century engravings (mostly fans and jewelry) on citron colored linen with painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web), bits of lace and millinery net, and metallic foiling. It was heavily hand stitched, beaded, and included couched on pieces of costume jewelry and buttons.
It is sided and dated in free motion embroidery on peach colored silk.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Mandy who blogs here.
ATC 83...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)
This ATC was made after cutting up an older piece of work. That work was made as the centerpiece for my first solo exhibition. It was based on architectural elements found in Gothic and Romanesque churches. The piece was created using chiffons on a heat transfer painted base. It was free motion embroidered. The original is pictured here.
It reverse is a piece of commercially printed cotton, signed and dated in free motion embroidery.
I'm thrilled to be trading with Dagmar who blogs here.
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